Prayer to YOU my Friend Who Adorn My Hearts Garden


To each of You, yes YOU, you know who you are you are, a unique and special FLOWER in the Garden of my Heart.  You  each  adorn your “Beauty” So graciously in my Life.

Oh Lord, please bless my dear Friends, Yes you MY Lord know there names, and they are FAR more, precious to me, than just a name.  To ME, Laura, they are my Bouquet of FLOWERs in the arrayed with enduring beauty in the Garden of my heart.

I Love you my Friend, yes YOU, each of you, each, with your our own blooming fragrance and  Beauty; in your smile, through your Strength, in your Laugh, in your Words of Life and wisdom, in your, “Patience” and or your flare for Adventure and sharing in Laughter, sharing in Song, sharing in the Pathways of my life!!

Oh my Dear Friend, I pray daily, that God Blesses YOU, yes you,  each of one,  who richly blesses my Days and illumes my Nights,  yes each one of You, unique; designed by God, arrayed in beauty from “inside” out.

Oh My Precious Lord, help me I Pray to daily tend to my Garden of Friends, to nurture, water, and help shine YOUR light through me as a mirror out to them, lifted every so gently,  humbly knowing You Lord are the Gardner, and I am the guest of your Bounty within my Heart.  Help me rise, in Prayer, walk in Courage, and greet each Day, tending my Garden and sharing a Prayer, in Conversation, or in a gentle Smile!

Oh, oh my Dear Friend, I Love you, yes YOU, a Flower,  my Friend, a Beautiful Flower adorning the Garden, yes the Garden within my Heart!….

Lord Bless them, Oh as, as they have Bless me, Oh that I would be a green “Bud” too and not a “thorn”.  Help me I Pray Lord to LOVE them tenderly yet  fearlessly as you do.  Sharing my Heart, Sharing my Time, Sharing You Lord the Gardner of the Garden of Friends in my Heart.

Yes, Richly Blessed, no question there, or why; its a free gift from Our Amazing Lord.   Thank you Lord, help me be; to pray for each of them, yes YOU,  you my Friend, a treasured Flower in the Garden of my Heart.  Oh Dear Friend, I pray you never doubt; how richly your Radiance has adorned, Yes adorned the Garden within My heart.

Thank you for being “YOU”,  and I thank GOD, that He has blessed me with YOU, yes you,  a precious, lovely Flower in the Garden of my Heart…………….

I Love You,  and  Pray that the Lord;  will help me Love you as He does. Thank You, Yes YOU, yes YOU my Friend for being a Sacred Light in the Garden of my Heart.

My Garden flourishes, when the Lord our Gardener, blesses me with new Flowers, such as YOU, yes You.  I hold ever tightly to the Lord; the Gardener of my heart….whose gift of my Flowers within my Friendship Garden, has blessing flowing to me beyond measure.

I Love You my friend, Yes YOU.  The Lord Loves you too!   Thank You My Lord, thank you my King, Jesus the Gardener, the Lord of my Heart.  Blessings of flourishing flowers, Awaken my life, lifting me up, Leading  my Soul to “Dance”  within the Garden of my Heart.

Holding gently, holding gently to the pedals of “Grace” each one, adorning my Garden, yes the Garden of my heart.  Thank You,  yes YOU My friend a “FLOWER in the Garden of my Heart. .


J812Light-5 Nov-16





2 thoughts on “Prayer to YOU my Friend Who Adorn My Hearts Garden”

  1. Beautiful, beautiful – may the Lord bless you & keep you forever in bloom, open to Him and reaching out to others. In Jesus’s mighty name I pray today and always.

  2. Your soul is beautiful just like your writting. May God bless you everyday and give you the guidence to share your positivity with the world.

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