His Light Greets You


His Light Greets You

His Light pierces the branches and the horizon before us.

He calls, He shines, He beckons our attention.

Will you, pause? 

Will you embrace His Day unfolding across the open skyway?

Truly He calls us to run freely into His Light of Hope, renewal and Peace.

God, never sleeps, His eye searches our hearts. Will we pause?

Will we abandon our neediness to grip His Day, 

His Plan for you His Child?

Surely His presence never falters, surely He knows you, His child. •

May the Light of His Peace and the Majesty of His Grace, enter into your Day.

Yes. He calls, calls us to yield and embrace the fullness of His plan for now, today, this time, this place where He holds you ever so close.

Drawing you nearer and nearer to His Light and Love, seeking to embrace the Day with you, right where you are.

Hear His gentle whispers of tenderness and mercy, adorning His Presence.

He delights in you. 

His Love never failing, His Wings ever carrying all, for whom He calls.

Listen. Listen. He calls. He beckons our hearts into the transcended Light of His Glory and Grace.

Step in. Step into to His fields of beauty and majesty, blazing across the skies, illumining all creation.

Look, see, yes the Lord awaits your hand open and abandoned. 

Patiently, yet powerfully His Majesty adorns the earth.

Birds sing, trees raise up their branches to praise and honor.

His gentle unfolding of the Day, beckons us. Are you listening, He calls.

The Day embraces time and brings newness and Hope.

Rest. Yes, yet with eyes wide open, open in full abandonment to His glorious entrance into our hearts and all our ways this Day.

Will you seek to hear, seek to see, seek to find?

Yes, find, embrace the One True Light of the World, our Lord Jesus Christ. His Invitation never ceases, embrace His Day breaking through yours.

Join in delight all that He brings this Day.






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