Morning Blessings – Jul 6, 2017

Dear One,

Good Morning, may the Light of the World spring forth in your heart this Day, gently stirring in your heart.

Releasing all anxiousness and fear, breathing in the Breathe of Life, the Holy Spirit into the parched areas of your Soul.

Springing fourths ripples of Hope, Peace and Stillness, quieting your mind, renewing your spirit in His faithfulness of Unfailing Love and abounding Grace for you and yours today and forever.
>> Trust in the Lord, lean not on your own understanding for the Strength of the Lord abounds for those who, pause, cease striving and let Christ’s Peace flow ever gently, washing over your restlessness and weariness.
>> Seek His hand, opening yours;  He never lets go, and His relentless Love beckons you onward toward the “One” True Light, Jesus Christ our Lord and Strong Tower, never faulting, nor abandoning those, that put their Faith, in the One True God, Lord of Heaven and Earth, today, tomorrow and forever. Amen and Amen.