A Christmas Eve Morn

Christmas Eve Morn


The dawn enters, embracing our Prayers, our longings for Hope, for Peace in this World. Lookup, see the dawn is rising bringing Hope and Peace, making its entrance into our hearts this Holy Christmas Eve Morn.

Bridging forth an entrance in to the wonder of “Jesus” coming, His Light; witnessed first in the shinning of His Glorious Light.

Rekindling our hearts, calming quaking souls. Our journey has been long, pressing us, drawing us, along the way. Calling us to seek, drawing us into the glistening streams of unspeakable Peace, woven with Promise and Hope.

The Heavens are moving within the silence, beckoning our attention. A brilliance of warmth weaves through the skyline, inviting our hearts to enter in, to draw near, come, draw near, ever nearer.

Light calling us forth, gently, yet profoundly awakening our spirit; embracing wonder, laced weavings of calm and Peace.

Oh, lets us open our vision, preparing our hearts, breathing in the weavings of light and hope, warming our hearts, embracing our humanity wrapped with the fragrance of the laced in a illumine Peace.

Oh, may we continue our journey, following the guiding light, opening our hearts, breathing in the Hope filled air, gently woven in the stillness of this Christmas Eve Morn.

Are we listening, still seeking, the coming of the Savior of the World is Nye. May we pause, a moment, yet ever moving onward, following the Light, breathing in, leaning in, drawing closer, seeking, longing to find the promised coming King.

We follow in Faith, not leaning on mere sight, ever seeking, ever watching the skies moving onward this Day this Holy Christmas Eve Morning, proclaiming a stillness, soon to be burst with Angels and Light.

Pausing, seeking, light illuming the skies, breaking in with stillness and peace, will we pause, listen; moving to humble our hearts, dropping our crowns. Morning skies bursting in, waking all nature beneath. Let us journey onward, to follow the light; inviting, embracing the droplets of Grace, woven with the balm of Hope, and the stillness, and stirring of Peace, Peace ever-present, ever Present Peace.

Let is follow, let us embrace, this wonder, this majesty woven with lace. Emmanuel, God with God. Awaken, awaken, this Holy Christmas Eve, ever watchful, ever hopeful this Holy Christmas Eve Morn.

Hush, Hush, peace calls to us. This Peace, this Light, stirring us, calling us. Releasing all fears, holding on in childlike faith, moving closer, closer to the stirring in our heart, this morn, this Christmas Eve Morn.

May we all say Amen, Amen.

24-12-17 – lbg

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